Migration from Webcams API Version V2 to V3
Welcome to the Migration Guide for transitioning from the Webcams API Version V2 to V3. This document highlights the main differences between the two versions and provides guidance for a smooth transition.
- Authorization
- Tokens
- Webcam result schema
- Shared query params
- List of categories
- List of continents
- List of countries
- List of regions
- Get a Single Webcam by Webcam ID (V3 only)
- Get list of the webcams
- Get Webcams for Map based on Coordinates
Both V2 and V3 require an API_KEY
obtained from the
API key manager
However, note that in V3, the API key Header was renamed from
Authorization in V2
In V2, there were two methods to send keys:
- As a header:
- As a query parameter:
Authorization in V3
In V3, the only method to send the key is as a header:
In V3, the Webcams API returns image URLs secured with tokens.
These tokens have an expiration time: 10 minutes for the free API tier and 24 hours for the professional API tier.
Once a token expires, the image URL will yield an HTTP 401 error. To maintain consistent access, it's advised
to invoke /webcams/api/v3/webcams
or /webcams/api/v3/webcams/{webcamId}
every time a page loads.
Webcam result schema
The structure of the webcam information has been modified from V2 to V3, impacting the naming conventions and presence of specific components. In the following section, we will outline these differences:
Webcam parts in V2
In V2, the webcam schema had these parts:
(renamed tocategories
in V3)image
(renamed toimages
in V3)location
(removed in V3)player
(removed in V3)statistics
(removed in V3)url
(renamed tourls
in V3)user
(removed in V3)
Webcam parts in V3
In V3, the webcam schema is structured with these parts:
(renamed fromcategory
(renamed fromimage
(renamed fromurl
Webcam schema in V2
WebcamV2Schema = {
"id": string,
"status": "active"|"inactive",
"title": string, // Translated title
"category": [
"id": string, // Category id
"name": string, // Translated category name
"count": number // Number of webcams containing this category
"image": {
"current": {
"icon": string, // Image URL for the current image
... // All other URLs for available sizes
"daylight": {}, // Same as the current part, but for daylight images
"sizes": {
"icon": {
"width": number, // Width of the returned image
"height": number // Height of the returned image
... // All other available sizes
"update": 1692254633
"location": {
"city": string, // Translated city name
"region": string, // Translated region name
"region_code": string, // Region geo code
"country": string, // Translated country name
"country_code": string, // Country geo code
"continent": string, // Translated continent name
"continent_code": string, // Continent geo code
"latitude": number, // Latitude webcam coordinate
"longitude": number, // longitude webcam coordinate
"timezone": string, // Timezone of the webcam
"wikipedia": string // Link to wikipedia description of the position
"map": {
"clustersize": number // Number of webcams under the returned webcam using `map` endpoint
"player": {
"live": {
"available": boolean, // Specify if live stream is available
"embed": string // Link of the embed with specified timespan used for iframe
"day": {
"available": boolean, // Specify if timespan is available
"link": string, // Windy webcam detail URL
"embed": string // Link of the embed used for iframe
... // same for month/year/lifetime
"property": [
"id": string, // Property id
"name": string, // Translated property name
"count": number // Number of webcams including specified property
"statistics": {
"views": number // Number of views
"url": {
"current": {
"desktop": string, // Windy webcam detail URL
"mobile": string // Windy webcam detail URL (same as for mobile)
"daylight": {...} // same as current
"edit": string, // Windy webcam edit page ULR
"user": {
"id": string, // Owner user id
"name": string, // Owner username
"url": string // Windy webcam detail URL
Webcam schema in V3
WebcamV3Schema = {
"webcamId": number,
"status": "active"|"inactive",
"title": string, // Translated title
"viewCount": number, // Number of views
"lastUpdatedOn": "2023-08-17T06:43:53.000Z",
"clusterSize": number, // Number of webcams under the returned webcam using `/webcams/api/v3/map/clusters` endpoint
"categories": [
"id": string, // Category id
"name": string // Translated category
"images": {
"current": {
"icon": string, // image URL for current image
... // all other URLs for available sizes
// free: only small sizes
// professional: all sizes
"daylight": {}, // same as current but for daylight images
"sizes": {
"icon": {
"width": number, // width of returned image
"height": number // height of returned image
... // all other available sizes
// free: only small sizes
// professional: all sizes
"location": {
"city": string, // Translated city name
"region": string, // Translated region name
"region_code": string, // Region geo code
"country": string, // Translated country name
"country_code": string, // Country geo code
"continent": string, // Translated continent name
"continent_code": string, // Continent geo code
"latitude": number, // Latitude webcam coordinate
"longitude": number // longitude webcam coordinate
"player": {
"day": string, // Link of the embed used for iframe
... // Links for all other available timespans month/year/lifetime/live
"urls": {
"detail": string, // Windy webcam detail URL
"edit": string // Windy webcam edit URL
Shared query params
Result parts
This parameter specifies which parts are included in the result. It has a similar role in both V2 and V3, but with different names and parts:
V2 | |
Name | show |
Location | Query |
Format | ?show=webcam:{webcamPart},...,{webcamPart};{resultPart};...;{resultPart} |
V3 | |
Name | include |
Location | Query |
Format | ?include={webcamPart},...,{webcamPart} |
Result translation
This parameter specifies the desired language for result translation:
V2 + V3 | |
Name | lang |
Location | Query |
Format | ?lang={language} |
List of categories
The list of categories has its own endpoint in V3 and can be affected by the optional lang
query parameter for translation.
Get List of categories in V2
In V2, the list of categories was part of the old /api/webcams/v2/list
endpoint, influenced by
the show
query parameter
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"offset": number, // specified offset used for webcams (no need for categories)
"limit": number, // specified limit of webacms (no need for categories)
"total": number,// total number of webcams based on specified filters (no need for categories)
"categories": [
"id": string, // Category id
"name": string, // Translated category name
"count": number // Number of webcams contain specified category
Get List of categories in V3
In V3, use the new endpoint /webcams/api/v3/categories
"id": string, // Category id
"name": string // Translated category name
List of continents
The list of continents has its own endpoint in V3 and can be affected by the optionallang
query parameter for translation.
Get List of continents in V2
In V2, the list of continents was part of the old /api/webcams/v2/list
endpoint, influenced by
the show
query parameter
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"offset": number, // specified offset used for webcams (no need for continents)
"limit": number, // specified limit of webacams (no need for continents)
"total": number,// total number of webcams based on specified filters (no need for continents)
"continents": [
"id": string, // Continent geo code
"name": string, // Translated continent name
"count": number // Number of webcams located in the continent
Get List of continents in V3
In V3, use the new endpoint /webcams/api/v3/continents
"code": string, // Continent geo code
"name": string // Translated continent name
List of countries
The list of countries has its own endpoint in V3 and can be affected by the optional lang
parameter for translation.
Get List of countries in V2
In V2, the list of countries was part of the old /api/webcams/v2/list
endpoint, influenced by
query parameter
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"offset": number, // specified offset used for webcams (no need for countries)
"limit": number, // specified limit of webacms (no need for countries)
"total": number,// total number of webcams based on specified filters (no need for countries)
"countries": [
"id": string, // Country geo code
"name": string, // Translated country name
"count": number // Number of webcams located in the country
Get List of countries in V3
In V3, use the new endpoint /webcams/api/v3/countries
"code": string, // Country geo code
"name": string // Translated country name
List of regions
The list of regions has its own endpoint in V3 and can be affected by the optional lang
parameter for translation.
Get list of regions in V2
In V2, the list of regions was part of the old /api/webcams/v2/list
endpoint, influenced by the
query parameter
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"offset": number, // specified offset used for webcams (no need for regions)
"limit": number, // specified limit of webacms (no need for regions)
"total": number,// total number of webcams based on specified filters (no need for regions)
"regions": [
"id": string, // Region geo code
"name": string, // Translated region name
"count": number // Number of webcams located in the region
Get list of regions in V3
In V3, use the new endpoint /webcams/api/v3/regions
"code": string, // Region geo code
"name": string // Translated region name
Get a Single Webcam by Webcam ID (V3 only)
V3 Endpoint:
Result modifiers
- Webcam result parts (Shared result parts query param)
- Webcam result translation (Shared language query param)
V3 Example URL:
WebcamV3SchemaGet list of the webcams
V2 endpoints:
V3 endpoints:
Filter by Category
Specify one or more categories. Multiple categories are used with an AND logic.
V2 | |
Name | category |
Location | Params |
Limit | None |
Format | /category={category},...,{category} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/category=beach |
V3 | |
Name | categories |
Location | Query |
Limit | 10 |
Format | ?categories={category},...,{category} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?categories=beach |
Category Filter Operation (V3 only)
Can only be used with the category
filter in V3.
Specify category operation (and
or or
) when using the category filter.
V3 | |
Name | categoryOperation |
Location | Query |
Format | ?category={category},...,{category}&categoryOperation={and|or} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?categories=beach,meteo&categoryOperation=or
Filter by Continent
Specify one or more continents. Multiple continents are used with an OR logic.
V2 | |
Name | continent |
Location | Params |
Limit | None |
Format | /continent={continent},...,{continent} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/continent=EU |
V3 | |
Name | continents |
Location | Query |
Limit | 2 |
Format | ?continents={continent},...,{continent} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?continents=EU |
Filter by Country
Specify one or more countries. Multiple countries are used with an OR logic.
V2 | |
Name | country |
Location | Params |
Limit | None |
Format | /country={country},...,{country} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/country=DE |
V3 | |
Name | countries |
Location | Query |
Limit | 10 |
Format | ?countries={country},...,{country} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?countries=DE |
Filter by Region
Specify one or more regions. Multiple regions are used with an OR logic.
V2 | |
Name | region |
Location | Params |
Limit | None |
Format | /region={region},...,{region} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/region=CH.ZH |
V3 | |
Name | regions |
Location | Query |
Limit | 10 |
Format | ?regions={region},...,{region} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?regions=CH.ZH |
Filter by Property (V2 only)
In V3, this filter was removed.
HD: To check for HD webcams in V3, you can inspect the
ratio of the webcam image on the client side. -
Live: To determine if a webcam is live in V3, you can check if the
attribute exists on the webcam object on the client side.
V2 | |
Name | property |
Location | Params |
Format | /property={property},...,{property} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/property=hd |
Filter by Nearby location
V2 | |
Name | nearby |
Location | Params |
Max Radius (km) | 250 |
Format | /nearby={latitude},{longitude},{radius} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/nearby=46.54,7.98,20 |
V3 | |
Name | nearby |
Location | Query |
Max Radius (km) | 250 |
Format | ?nearby={latitude},{longitude},{radius} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?nearby=46.54,7.98,20 |
Filter by Bounding Box
V2 | |
Name | bbox |
Location | Params |
Format | /bbox={north_latitude},{east_longitude},{south_latitude},{west_longitude}
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/bbox=45.90,6.11,40.50,3.62 |
V3 | |
Name | bbox |
Location | Query |
Format | ?bbox={north_latitude},{east_longitude},{south_latitude},{west_longitude}
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?bbox=45.90,6.11,40.50,3.62
Exclude by Webcam IDs (V2 only)
Filter webcams without specific webcam IDs.
Note that this filter is removed in V3 and can be managed on the client side.
V2 | |
Name | exclude |
Location | Params |
Format | /exclude={webcamId},...,{webcamId} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/exclude=1318177164 |
Get Webcams by Webcam IDs
V2 | |
Name | webcam |
Location | Params |
Limit | 25 |
Format | /webam={webcamId},...,{webcamId} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/webam=1318177164 |
V3 | |
Name | webcamIds |
Location | Query |
Limit | 50 |
Format | ?webcamIds={webcamId},...,{webcamId} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?webcamIds=1318177164 |
Result modifiers
- Webcam result parts (Shared result parts query param)
- Webcam result translation (Shared language query param)
Sorting Keys (Sorting)
V2 Sorting keys:
(removed in V3)new
(renamed tocreatedOn
in V3)recent
(removed in V3)random
(removed in V3)distance
(removed in V3, only used fornearby
V3 Sorting keys:
means the most popular)createdOn
means newest)
Sorting by Key
In V3, the sortDirection
was moved to its own
query parameter
V2 | |
Name | orderby |
Location | Params |
Format | /orderby={sortKey},{sortDirection} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/orderby=popularity,desc |
V3 | |
Name | sortKey |
Location | Query |
Format | ?sortKey={sortKey} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?sortKey=popularity |
Sorting direction (V3 only)
A new query parameter introduced in V3.
Can be used only if the sortKey
filter is applied.
V3 | |
Name | sortDirection |
Location | Query |
Format | ?sortKey={sortKey}&sortDirection={sortDirection} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?sortKey=popularity&sortDirection=desc
In V3, the offset
was moved to its own query
V2 | |
Name | limit |
Location | Params |
Default | limit=10 offset=0 |
Max | limit=50 offset=inf |
Format | /orderby={limit},{offset} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list/limit=50,100 |
V3 | |
Name | limit |
Location | Query |
Default | 10 |
Max | 50 |
Format | ?limit={limit} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?limit=50 |
Offset (V3 only)
A new query parameter introduced in V3. Offset can be used without specifying the limit
parameter, in which case the default limit
be applied.
V3 | |
Name | offset |
Location | Query |
Default | 0 |
Default | inf |
Format | ?offset={offset} |
Example | https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/webcams?offset=100 |
V2 Resulting JSON Schema:
"status": string,
"result": {
"offset": number, // Specified offset
"limit": number, // Specified limit
"total": number, // Number of webcams matching specified filters
"webcams": WebcamV2Schema[]
V3 Resulting JSON Schema:
"total": number, // Number of webcams matching specified filters
"webcams": WebcamV3Schema[]
Get Webcams for Map based on Coordinates
In V3, the maximum range of the bounding box is determined by the selected zoom level. Specifically, at the highest zoom level (level 4), the difference in latitude is limited to 22.5 degrees, while the difference in longitude cannot exceed 45 degrees. Each subsequent lower zoom level reduces this limit by a factor of 2. This change aligns with the Google tile system.
V2 Endpoint:
V3 Endpoint:
Result modifiers
- Webcam result parts (Shared result parts query param)
- Webcam result translation (Shared language query param)
V2 Example URL:
V3 Example URL:
V2 Resulting JSON Schema:
"status": string,
"result": {
"offset": number, // Specified offset
"limit": number, // Specified limit
"total": number, // Number of webcams matching specified filters
"webcams": WebcamV2Schema[]
V3 Resulting JSON Schema: